About the 225+2 Celebration
During the week of March 30-April 3, 2022, First Presbyterian Church celebrated its 225th (+2) anniversary. These events honored our legacy, the work of our current ministries, and set the stage for preserving and expanding these ministries for the next 25 years. To mark this momentous occasion, the church hosted various events ranging from lectures, to music, to a large celebration with activities for the entire family. We welcomed two esteemed guests for our anniversary celebration: Dr. Sinclair Ferguson and Dr. Robert Godfrey.
225+2 Anniversary Resources
All livestreams from our 225+2 Anniversary Celebration can be found below. To view a complete photostream from this commemorative occasion, please tap the button "225+2 Anniversary Album" below.
Wednesday, March 30
To view the livestream recording of Dr. Robert Godfrey, tap the button below. Content begins at minute mark 7:15.
Thursday, March 31
To view the livestream recording of 225+2 Anniversary Concert, tap the button below.
Friday, April 1
To view the livestream recording of Dr. Sinclair Ferguson's lecture, Dr. Godfrey's lecture, and the joint Q&A Session, tap the buttons below.
Sunday, April 3
To view the livestream recording of the Morning Worship Service with Dr. Ferguson, the Joint Sunday School hour, and the Evening Worship Service with Dr. Robert Godfrey, tap the buttons below.