For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Fill out the form below with the areas of ministry that interest you, and one of our ministry leaders will be in touch to provide more information about current opportunities. Note that background checks are required to serve with many of our ministries, and we'll assist in that process.
Easter Nursery Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to serve in the nursery during our Easter Sunday morning services!
If you are able to serve in this way, please tap the "Volunteer" button below to fill out the form and we will be in touch.
List of Volunteer Opportunities:
8:30 a.m. Service | Easter Sunday
9:40 a.m. Service | Easter Sunday
11:15 a.m. Service | Easter Sunday
If you are able to serve in this way, please tap the "Volunteer" button below to fill out the form and we will be in touch.
List of Volunteer Opportunities:
8:30 a.m. Service | Easter Sunday
9:40 a.m. Service | Easter Sunday
11:15 a.m. Service | Easter Sunday

Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Please fill out the form below to submit your volunteer interest. Any specific questions can be directed to
How do I volunteer with kids?
Serve as a Sunday School teacher, Sunday Night Kid's Club teacher, or volunteer with various other programs. Serve in the nursery during worship services and Sunday School.
How do I volunteer with music?
Opportunities include filing music, stuffing choir folders with music, choir robe management and helping out at our merchandise table before and after concerts.
How do I volunteer with students?
Connect with middle school and high school students during Sunday School and Youth Group. Chaperone a trip, or help host a youth event.
Build relationships with college students during Sunday School and Bible studies. Host special events and gatherings. Volunteer to bring breakfast to College Hour on Sunday mornings.
Build relationships with college students during Sunday School and Bible studies. Host special events and gatherings. Volunteer to bring breakfast to College Hour on Sunday mornings.
What is a Care Team?
What is the Green Apron Brigade?
The Pastoral Care Department oversees several groups of Care Ministry that match gifts and services of members to someone within the church family who is in need. Types of Care Teams include Meal Teams, Transportation Teams, Handyman work, Basic Errands, Yard Work, Household help, Visiting etc.
This is a team of volunteers devoted to serving the congregation through hospitality and food service at regular dinners (Sunday and Wednesday nights) and other special events.
How can I get involved with Special Needs Ministry?
What is the Welcome Center?
Serve the Special Needs families in our congregation through opportunities with their Sunday School class or weekly Friendship Club on Sunday Nights.
If you're interested in greeting newcomers and members on Sunday mornings, help by serving at our Welcome Center for 30 minutes before Sunday School. Answer questions, help point people in the right direction, and be a welcoming face for First Presbyterian Church.