Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
If one thing is clear in Scripture, it is this: God is a missionary God. His desire to bless the nations is a thread that is woven from Genesis to Revelation. And if we were to ask for just one proof of this, we need only look to Jesus.
Our twenty-eight missionary families and partners span fifteen different countries across five continents. They are involved in a variety of ministries including church planting, mercy, and medical ministry, reaching the poor, and engaging the intellectual. It is a delight for our church to aid in the work they are doing. We count it an honor to be in fellowship with our brothers and sisters on the front lines of the spiritual battle. As a church family, we engage in a “partnership...of giving and receiving” (Philippians 4:15) with our missionary families. Our prayers and financial support are vital, and we must not let them fail. As the Lord continues to send out laborers into his harvest fields—and some of them from our own congregation—we pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified.
Our twenty-eight missionary families and partners span fifteen different countries across five continents. They are involved in a variety of ministries including church planting, mercy, and medical ministry, reaching the poor, and engaging the intellectual. It is a delight for our church to aid in the work they are doing. We count it an honor to be in fellowship with our brothers and sisters on the front lines of the spiritual battle. As a church family, we engage in a “partnership...of giving and receiving” (Philippians 4:15) with our missionary families. Our prayers and financial support are vital, and we must not let them fail. As the Lord continues to send out laborers into his harvest fields—and some of them from our own congregation—we pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified.