The purpose of Women’s Ministry is to glorify God. 

We provide avenues for personal spiritual growth and the development of spiritual gifts, expressing our God-given commission through fellowship, Bible study, encouragement, prayer support, care and assistance in time of need, thus equipping and touching the lives of women who in like manner share the love of Christ with families, the community, the nation and the world.  

2024-2025 Scripture Memory Verse

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

We are offering phone wallpapers with our scripture memory verse. Tap the button below to view to download!

Study Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Women’s Study Groups will meet for 8 weeks consecutively from January 29 to March 20, 2025. This spring, groups will be studying From Beginning to Forever: A Study of the Grand Narrative of Scripture by Elizabeth Woodson. There is no charge for the book.

Groups meet at a variety of times and locations. Study Groups are a great way to both grow in your faith and knowledge of the Lord and fellowship with other women of all ages. To register for a group, please tap the "registration" button below.
Registration is now open. For any questions, please contact our Director of Women's Ministry, Marie Louise Bowers, at (803)-799-9062, ext. 245.


The Foundry

The Foundry is our one-on-one discipleship program in which women teach other women to follow Jesus. If you are interested in learning more or serving as a mentor, contact Marie Louise Bowers.
Registration for 2024-2025 is closed!

Pursuit of Godliness

Each month during the summer, we gather for a meal to hear one of our women tell her story of God’s faithfulness.  

Discipleship Together

Each semester, our ladies gather for supper, fellowship, worship, and teaching. Our next Discipleship Together will be on Tuesday, April 29 at 5:30 p.m. More information and registration coming soon!

Women of the Church

September through May
Our 18 Circles are organized through the Women of the Church and meet monthly both at the church and regionally for Bible study, fellowship, service, and prayer. Anyone wishing to join a circle, tap the buttons below!

Monthly Prayer Breakfast

Each month, on the third Monday, our ladies gather at 9:30 a.m. in the Ministry Building on the 1st floor in room 100 to pray for our church, our local mission efforts, our foreign missions and missionaries, our nation, and each other through personal prayer requests. Please join us as we not only adore and thank our Heavenly Father but also bring our confessions and petitions to the throne of grace. 

Summer Book Cub

Each summer, we gather weekly for Summer Book Club. This is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and growth.

Sunday Mornings

Women's Bible Class

Laffitte Parlor
Women of All Ages
Lisa Higgins

Remnant Class

Education Building, Room 309
Women of All Ages

Upcoming Events

View this profile on Instagram

FPC Cola Women (@fpccolawomen) • Instagram photos and videos

Women's Ministry Staff

Marie Louise Bowers

Director of Women's Ministry
(803) 799-9062, ext. 245

Lelia Byars

Women's Ministry Assistant Director
(803) 799-9062, ext. 253

Lisa Cole

Administrative Assistant
(803) 799-9062