Caring for the Welfare of Our City
God’s people are challenged through the Scriptures to care – for Jesus’ sake – about the communities in which they live. Old Testament believers who found themselves in exile were told, “…seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you…” (Jeremiah 29:7). Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14).
The following ministry opportunities are ways we might increasingly care for the welfare of our city.
The following ministry opportunities are ways we might increasingly care for the welfare of our city.
Supported Ministries
A Moment of Hope
A Moment of Hope is a protestant, evangelical outreach to women seeking abortions at the local abortion clinic in Columbia, Planned Parenthood. They minister through sidewalk counseling and mobile ultrasounds. Moms who choose life are paired with pregnancy care teams in a local church. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Mark Baumgartner at (803) 348-1984 or at mark@amoh.org.
Blue Ridge Prison Ministry
Blue Ridge Ministries works with incarcerated men and women in the Carolinas to help them fulfill their God-given roles in the family, church, and community. They offer parenting and life-skill courses to equip them to be the parents and leaders God has designed and called them to be. Interested in more information? Contact below.
Camp Joy of South Carolina
Camp Joy SC is a Christian camp for individuals with intellectual disabilities. It is an overnight camp, and campers are paired with a counselor for the week. The camper and counselor participate in Bible lessons, crafts, various recreational activities, and chapel daily to learn about Jesus. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact David Harrell.
Capitol Ambassadors
Capitol Ambassadors is committed to being God’s Ambassadors in the South Carolina political arena. They are messengers with the singular message that can bring about reconciliation due to the seriousness of sin that has caused the separation between God and man. Interested in more information? Contact Jeff Lingerfelt.
Christian Counseling Center
The Christian Counseling Center, a ministry of First Presbyterian Church, has the unique role of assisting the church by providing Biblically-based clinical counseling and preventative services. Their vision is to provide counseling that will change lives, build strong families, and have an eternal impact. Interested in learning more? Contact Kathy Locklear.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers that has locations worldwide, including Columbia. Their purpose is to evangelize boys and girls in the public school with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to disciple them in the Word of God, and to establish them in the local church. Interested in getting involved with the Good News Club? Contact Frances L. Sims or call (803) 798-4405.
Christian Medical & Dental Association
Christian Medical & Dental Association (CMDA) exists to know Christ and make him known to their staff, patients, coworkers, community, and the broader world. They serve regions all around the U.S., including South Carolina. They provide resources, networking opportunities, education, and a public voice for Christian healthcare professionals and students. Interested in learning more? Contact Dr. Rick McCain.
CIU Prison Initiative
The Columbia International University (CIU) Prison Initiative is an accredited associate degree program for inmates in the SC prison system to train them to serve in the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC). Upon graduation, student inmates serve under the leadership of the chaplain of each institution assigned. Interested in learning more? Contact Dr. Andre T. Melvin.
The Cooperative Ministry
The Cooperative Ministry exists to increase the economic self-sufficiency of people experiencing poverty in the Midlands. Founded in 1982, they serve others through financial assistance, empowerment coaching, free clothing, furniture, food, free income tax preparation, career improvement services, and insurance counseling. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Beth H. Irick at (803) 799-3853.
Daybreak Ministries
Daybreak is a Gospel ministry which serves those facing unplanned pregnancies. They endeavor to show the love of Christ to all who come for services. All of their services are free and include ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, pregnancy options consultation, medical referrals and abortion recovery counseling. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Eddie Benton or Lori Baker.
Ezekiel Ministries
Ezekiel Ministries partners with local churches in Columbia to recruit loving adult mentors who will make a long-term investment in children’s lives. They strive to provide positive role models through mentoring, apprenticeship, and after-school programs, with an intensive focus on reading, math, character-building, and spiritual well-being. Interested in more information? Contact Viktoria McKenna.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Midlands Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) seeks to impact the lives of coaches and athletes throughout their 15-county area. They serve colleges, high schools, and middle schools across central SC. Their mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Interested in more information? Contact Ervin Mack or Randy Rabon.
Focused Living
Focused Living is a ministry to men in the Midlands. They help men get connected to God and focus their living. They have daily men's forums that meet in the mornings throughout the city and offer a GRIP discipleship track each Fall and Spring. Interested in more information? Contact Jason Yarborough.
Forge Ministries
Forge is an itinerant ministry that proclaims the gospel in a wide variety of settings in South Carolina and beyond. Their heart is to see people come to know Christ and to see believers deepen their relationship with Him and serve Him through a daily life of personal ministry. Interested in learning more? Contact Adrian Despres.
The Gideons International
Harvest Hope
The Gideons International is an association of Christian business and professional men and their wives in Columbia and around the world dedicated to telling people about Jesus Christ by providing Bibles and sharing personal testimonies. They place and distribute Scriptures in the lanes and byways of life. Interested in learning more? Contact William B. DePass or Col. David V. Massey.
Harvest Hope is on a mission to eliminate hunger and food insecurity in the Midlands and throughout South Carolina. They operate programs that provide food for the most vulnerable citizens – children, seniors, and rural residents. They also run emergency food pantries in Greenville and Columbia. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Rhea Adkins.
International Friendship Ministries
International Friendship Ministries (IFM) seeks to introduce international students and their families living in Columbia to Jesus Christ through sincere friendship, genuine hospitality, and true Christian love. They provide free weekly dinners, informative classes, affordable opportunities to tour nearby attractions, and practical help to the students. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Dr Rajarathnam (Raj) Aluri.
InterVarsity University of South Carolina
InterVarsity is a community on campus and for the campus. Their main activity is facilitating small groups, and these small groups build community and study the Bible. Their hope is that students grow in love for God, His Word, His people, and His purposes. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Lizzie Keegan.
Lifeline Children's Services
Lifeline offers compassionate care and support to vulnerable children, families, and expectant mothers. They provide a variety of services, including adoption, foster care, counseling, and education. Their vision is to see vulnerable children and their communities transformed by the gospel. They serve throughout the U.S., including South Carolina. Interested in learning more? Contact Jessica Cumbers.
Love Cola
Love Cola exists to call the church of Greater Columbia to partner in a covenant relationship to represent the gospel to every man, woman, and child in the city. They serve to mobilize participating churches and para-church ministries to love and serve their communities. Interested in learning more? Contact Russell Holt.
Midtown Fellowship - Two Notch
Midtown Two Notch is a church plant along Two Notch Road in Columbia that focuses their ministry and outreach efforts on impoverished, high-crime-rate communities. They have done many prayer walks, block parties, and other service events to build relationships and share Christ with their neighbors. Interested in learning more? Contact Antony Lamar Frederick.
Oliver Gospel Mission
Oliver Gospel has been serving those in homelessness and poverty in the Midlands since 1888. They are involved in engaging and transforming lives together through the power of Christ’s love. They meet people’s needs in many ways including emergency services, rehabilitation, transitional programs, and community outreach. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Kara Pippin.
Palmetto Family Council
Palmetto Family Council’s mission is to persuasively present biblical principles in the centers of influence on issues affecting the family through research, communication, and networking. Their vision is to see a South Carolina where God is honored, religious freedom is preserved, families thrive, and life is cherished. Interested in learning more? Contact Kevin Caiello.
Pearls offers support, hope, and restoration to women working in Columbia's adult entertainment industry. Through monthly outreaches to local strip clubs, they build relationships with women working in the clubs and share the hope that is found only in Jesus. Interested in learning more or volunteering? Contact below.
Presbyterian and Reformed Commission on Chaplains (PRCC)
The Presbyterian and Reformed Commission on Chaplains and Military Personnel (PRCC) exists to pastorally care for military and civilian chaplains and their families; to call, credential, endorse, counsel, and mentor chaplains for the chaplaincy; to protect their right to proclaim Christ based on freedom of religion and the law; and to recruit ministers to the chaplaincy ministry. Interested in learning more or volunteering? Contact below.
Providence Home
Providence Home is a Christ-focused ministry for men in Columbia, providing transitional housing, accountability, and stability for men to promote recovery from drugs, alcohol, and incarceration. Relying on the life-saving grace of Jesus Christ, they help men be restored into their family and community. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Rob Settle at (803) 779-2927.
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
University of South Carolina
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) exists on the campus to reach students for Christ and to equip them to serve. They aim to do this with relational humility and honesty, as they love students through the avenue of ministry. They have a heart for the gospel and the campus. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Sammy Rhodes.
Teen Challenge - Southeast Region - Columbia, SC
Teen Challenge is a nation-wide ministry that offers life transformation and hope for men with life-controlling issues. They reach out to those with addictions and care for them in residential centers. They also assist local churches through support ministries for hurting people and families in their congregations and communities. onesty, as they love students through the avenue of ministry. They have a heart for the gospel and the campus. Interested in learning more? Contact Jacob Embry.
Toby's Place
Toby's Place is Oliver Gospel's ministry for women and children experiencing poverty or homelessness. They offer a long-term transitional housing program to equip residents to build a sustainable lifestyle for themselves and their families. They seek to help them restore their lives and provide hope for the future. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Kara Pippin.
Young Life - Columbia, Downtown Columbia, YoungLives
Young Life is an outreach ministry for middle school, high school, and college students. Their mission is to introduce students to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. Staff and volunteer leaders build relationships with students centered around knowing Jesus and following Him. Interested in more information or volunteering? Contact Rick Palmer.